The Great Dictator is a Comedy/Drama from 1940. It is Written, Directed, and Produced by Charles Chaplin. Also Charles Chaplin stars as a Jewish Barber and the Dictator, Adenoid Hynkel. This Film is about a Jewish Barber that is severely wounded in World War One and suffers memory loss. He finally escapes from the hospital and returns to his Barber Shop. But he doesn't know that there are troopers occupying his country. He disobeys the rules, on accident, and is sent to a concentration camp. Some how he escapes and disguises himself as The Great Dictator Hynkel. He is taken to a ceremony where he has to take a speech. He gives this amazing speech about Democracy and Brutes. Some people may know it as The Greatest Speech Ever Made, I think it is. It must be the most Famous speech in the history of motion pictures. This Film is also the last Movie Charles Chaplin Stars in. Here is the link to the Wiki' Page to find out more about this great Film.
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